Friday, June 29, 2007

You Can Walk In My Cooler

Dadum. That's what that big hole in the wall was for. (You were wondering, weren't you?) It's a walk-in cooler for storing all of the lovely cheese we'll soon be producing...It's terribly professional looking, even though it took twice as long to install than it should have. But there it is, just waiting...

The roof is finally, at last, totally and absolutely done. (Whew.) The inside is just about all painted. Doors are waiting to be hung.
Now comes lots of finishing work inside. Wiring, tiling, sealing, more painting. Stuff like that. It's like a marathon. We've come a long way, but we can't see the finish line quite yet.


Anonymous said... many doors!!! where do they all go? I like the little windows on each doors...what are we going to see through the windows?
Chi-town Ant

Anonymous said...

I figured out why there are windows in all the you can make sure the goats aren't 'kidding' around....

Chicago Ant.....with some lamb humor.

Ivy said...

hahaha... that's exactly right.