Saturday, September 8, 2007

Today Is A Day That Will Go Down In History

At least for us it will. For today is THE DAY that Bosky Acres Inc. has received it's dairy license. Yes, we are legit. And we passed inspection with a perfect score. You know what that means right? That means CHEESE. Next Saturday, people. Be there.

Getting that piece of paper was such an insane process, up until the last few moments. It took months and months of planning, weeks and weeks of working, nights and nights when we were up past our bedtimes working. But oh, the cheese... it called to us. And now we can start making it and (most significantly) selling it.
We'd party, but everyone is just too tired at the moment. Mostly everyone's been walking around going, "I can't believe we did it..."

Keep checking for more pics of the finished building, and perhaps our first batch of cheese!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulation!!!!!! Cheese Wiz, you all have done it!!!!

Wish I could be at the market for the grand moment, but will be thinking about you.

Blessings on the kids (all kinds) and the momma and the poppa

Chicago ant....